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    “四川省首届高校社团峰会”也是鉴于四川省高校社团文化建设和启动四川省高校市场的现实情况筹备的。 “四川省首届高校社团峰会”是由共青团四川省委主办,由成都时代校园文化传播有限公司承办的例行年会。


    会议各方将对社团文化建设及管理,四川省高校市场开拓作深层次的沟通交流与合作,共同推动四川省高校文化建设。任务和目标:构建社团交流平台,提升校园文化底蕴 搭建就业创业平台,拓展就业创业渠道推进大学生素质拓展计划,提高大学生社会适应能力主办单位: 共青团四川省委员会 协办单位: 待定承办单位: 成都时代校园文化传播有限公司媒体支持: 四川电视台 成都电视台 四川教育电视台 成都经济台 岷江广播电台 华西都市报 成都商报 新潮周刊 华西城市周刊 TOM 新浪网 腾讯网 网易 雅虎 中华英才网 四川在线 中国教育在线 搜狐网 大学生网 四川新华网拟邀嘉宾: 中国移动成都分公司 总经理 吴绪明 成都蚂蚁企业集团 董事长、总裁 李浪成都国际会议展览中心有限公司 董事长 邓鸿成都建国汽贸 总经理 赵锦辉中海地产(成都)公司 总经理 陈斌成都迪信通科技有限公司 常务副总 罗建军联通四川省分公司 副总经理 陆斌成都统一企业食品有限公司 董事长 林苍生 时代数码广场 总经理 唐立新新浪 四川区域经理 梁磊华硕成都分公司 总经理 王明义中华英才网 待定雅虎校园频道 待定TOM校园频道 待定清华同方 待定硅谷动力 待定搜狐校园频道 待定参加单位: 共青团四川省委、共青团成都市委、各高校团委、四川省24所高校200余社团负责人、长期推进高校社团文化建设的学生工作者、经济学专家、社会学专家、大学生创业者以及成功企业的高层代表。

    日 期: 2006年9月16日地 点: 家园国际酒店/四川大学学术报告厅议 程: 13:00----13:30 签到13:30----14:00 大会开幕式 1、 大会介绍2、 嘉宾介绍3、 共青团四川省委吴副书记致开幕辞4、 赞助单位领导祝贺词14:00----15:00 主题演讲:一、四川省高校社团文化建设概况 演讲人:(团省委领导) 二、高校社团健康发展的措施和方法 演讲人:(高校团委代表) 三、校园市场的开拓 演讲人:(企业代表) 四、社团管理的心得体会 演讲人:(社团代表)15:00----16:00 圆桌会议一:企业代表、高校代表和社团代表谈如何建立长期广泛的交流与合作平台16:00----17:00 圆桌会议二:高校代表和社团代表谈如何建立高校间社团的合作机制17:00----17:30 组委会倡议及大会闭幕式、自由交流系列活动: 高校迎新巡礼 高校军训特辑校园嘉年华“聚焦.对话”栏目四川省大学生职业规划大赛四川省大学生职业经理人大赛 四川省高校社团“风云人物”评选赞助合作方案A类赞助商(50000元)·在“2006四川省高校社团峰会”中“圆桌会议”环节一个嘉宾席位·大会现场4平方米的展位 ·在会议的网站上有贵公司的标志并与贵公司网站链接·现场主席台背景屏幕、横幅广告和标志牌上出现贵公司标记 ·将贵公司的资料放在资料台上、在支持媒体中的宣传·将贵公司在大会中的演讲资料登在会议的网站上·在特刊中赠送一页整版彩色广告·在本次论坛结束之后,提供统计分析报告B类赞助商(30000元)·在“2006四川省高校社团峰会”中“圆桌会议”环节一个嘉宾席位·大会现场2平方米的展位·在会议的网站上有贵公司的标志并与贵公司网站链接·现场主席台背景屏幕、横幅广告和标志牌上出现贵公司标记 ·将贵公司的资料放在资料台上,在支持媒体中的宣传·在本次论坛结束之后,提供统计分析报告C类赞助商(20000元)· 现场横幅和标志牌上出现贵公司LOGO · 特刊中出现贵公司的LOGO· 将贵公司的资料放在资料台上 · 在本次论坛结束之后,提供统计分析报告会议代表礼品包向会议代表提供一套印有贵公司logo的资料包,其中包括记事本、钢笔、即时贴等会议代表袋袋中装有贵公司的产品介绍,它们将被送到每一个参会者手中,提袋上同时印有贵公司的名字、标识及大会的标识及会议日期。公司的宣传资料也可以放入提袋中会议文件夹在会议文件夹的封面上印有贵公司的标志,文件夹中包括日程安排,它将被送到每一位与会者和发言人手中观众胸卡、。



    To enter the Foreign Language Department Community stem strokes, to self introduction in English, write me where I

    come from, my character is very

    good ah, what, there is no one knows to introduce how to write ah () not ah ah ah ah ah ah


    For the essay, a short period of a, say two minutes, while memorizing words, tomorrow dictation ah (ε with my).


    With Sichuan Province economy uninterrupted growth,the enterprise need to knowledge type talented person is more and more many , also the more Sichuan Province appears to be ampler in school number. The direct consequence leading to since such, is that turn up is insufficient during the period of various colleges and universities resource distributing, supplementing and increasing, before population quantity is relative increasing by to some extent, but per capita relative resource though the country and colleges and universities are on the march also to various resource is step-by-step but decrease. School is used for student specially in this in the middle, carrying out flexible funds of campus having appeared big breach , how in a short time very good one problem resolving this , our company one to exercise the implication commerce marketplace having a serious trial with with regard to colleges and universities campus doing to investigation and study , is is that colleges and universities director explores society and the marketplace cooperation buddy , establishes the mechanism aspect cooperating with society , business family providing platform beneficial to one. "Sichuan Province first colleges and universities corporation summit " is also to prepare according to Sichuan Province colleges and universities corporation cultural advancement and the actual circumstances starting the Sichuan Province colleges and universities marketplace. "Sichuan Province first colleges and universities corporation summit " is to held by Sichuan provincial Party committee of the Communist Youth League , campus culture spreads the routine annual meeting that Ltd. undertakes from Chengdu times. First colleges and universities corporation summit has invited more than 200 corporations person in charge and 100 students enlivening in the inside of colleges and universities worker of 24 Chengdu colleges and universities, the company high-rise starting the colleges and universities marketplace already or in course of and the leader managing the province of colleges and universities corporation city all of the various levels Youth League committee relevance. The time of colleges and universities corporation summit will become maximal Chinese western part the government , enterprise , school deliberating the get it in gear and standard colleges and universities marketplace , the platform enriching corporation culture commonly. Respectively just, convention and manages couple of corporations cultural advancement, the exchange and cooperation the Sichuan Province colleges and universities marketplace is opened up doing deep arrangement of ideas communicating with , the cultural advancement driving Sichuan Province colleges and universities commonly. Mission and target: Structure a corporation exchanging platform, lifting campus culture detail Hang building the platform obtaining employment starting an undertaking, Tuo stretches the channel obtaining employment starting an undertaking The quality pushing forward a college student makes rubbings from the exhibition plan , improves college student society acclimatization Host unit: Sichuan Province committee of the Communist Youth League Do an unit jointly: To be determined Executive unit: Chengdu times campus culture spreads Ltd. The medium holds out: Sichuan Chengdu television station of television station Sichuan educational TV station Chengdu economy platform Minjiang River broadcaster Hua Xi the city reports the Chengdu Economic Daily fashion weekly magazine Hua Xi city weekly magazine TOM Sina Net vacates China of Yahoo of message net Netease person of outstanding ability net Sichuan educating online Sohu net college student net Sichuan Xinhuanet in line China Intend to invite distinguished guest: The general manager of Chinese displacement Chengdu branch company Wu beginning is bright Chengdu ant association of enterprises chairman , president Li wave The Chengdu international conference puts centre chairman Deng Hong of Ltd. on display Chengdu vapor trade general manager Zhao Jin Hui who builds up a country Be hit by general manager of sea landed estate (Chengdu) company Chen Bin Chengdu enlightens message exchanging science and technology day-to-day business vice president of Ltd. Luo Jian Jun Deputy general manager of Unicom Sichuan Province branch company Lu Bin Chengdu unites enterprise food chairman of Ltd. forest common people Times digital public square general manager Tang Li Xin Sina Sichuan area manager Liang Lei 。


    On campus therere many clubs and organizations open to all students,such as Painting Club,Callligraphy Club and English Club,etc.Some people believe that taking part in these clubs can enrich their college life,improve their social skills,help them get experience and prepare for the future job hunting.However,other people maintain that it may be in conflict with their studies.

    As for me,I think taking part in some clubs really do good to our growth.These activities provide us with pleasure and entertainment,which makes our college life more colorful.It also give us opportunities to improve and demostrate our abilities.Whats more,it give us more opportunitis to meet students from different departments.When taking part in clubs,students should bear in mind that regardless of how good and interesting these activities are,their primary task is to get academic knowledge.only in this way can students choose the right club and avoid the constant conflict with their regular study time.


    大学社团 英语短文

    University Community

    Of the university life,community is an important part.Community means a group or a team,in which there are many people with the same interest,for example,Sports Association,Archery Club, Athletics Club,etc.Generally speaking,communities recruit university freshmen at the beginning of each term,when there will be a propagate meeting to show the communitys talent.Students can run for the president of the community after they stay in the community for a appointed time.Community can wide students sight,improve their ability of communicating and increase the experiences.

    写一篇英语作文 内容:介绍你们学校的一个俱乐部 (不要写的太复杂

    介绍英语角的There is an English corner in our school. It began a year ago. There is an activity in the teaching hall very Sunday afternoon. A lot of college students and foreigners often take part in it. We talk with each other in English, sing English songs and play all kinds of games when we are in the English corner. The English corner is becoming more and more popular with students, parents and teachers. If you want to know more about it, please come to our web. The web address is bbs.xxschool.englishcorner.net。


    The new term is coming. For all our new students, I would like to introduce some of our clubs.If you like playing football, join in Cool Players so that you can do exercise one hour a day, watch matches with other football fans and strength your body. I also recommend some read-lovers to take part in Smart Readers. You will read good books and broaden your horizons. Remember to take notes while reading. Moreover, anyone who loves cooking should consider Excellent Cooks. You can design healthy menu as well as learn how to cook, so that you can live healthily. But for me, Hope Found is the most meaningful club. It is designed to collect second-hand books for the students in poor areashope you can choose one you like best and enjoy your school life.学习英语口语建议还是要好好学的。




    哈尔滨师范大学晨读英语社团Crazy Star,简称Crazy Star或CS。由广大英语学习爱好者自发组建的非营利性学生群众组织,旨在提高我校学生英语学习能力,提升口语交际水平,使得毕业后能有更广阔的空间去发展自我,更好地实现人生价值。社团以“知识改变命运 英语改变人生”为口号,以“We can speak perfect English”为目标,号召大家轻松、快乐地学习英语,让大家从英语开始尝到成功的喜悦,彻底改变自己的人生。

    自2007年9月2日自发组织创办以来,以清晨朗读英语为特色活动,在活动中我们倡导帮助别人,提升自己,共同提高!我们力主为爱好英语或正在为英语苦恼的同学们创造一个绝佳的英语学习环境,让“哑巴英语 ”成为历史!从而历练出积极向上,坚持不懈地成功心态。社团致力于营造轻松、欢乐的英语学习氛围,定期开会分享感受和心得,增强同学之间的情感交流,让更多同学学会敞开心扉与人沟通,并尽可能多的为学员提供在公众面前表现自己的机会,让性格内向、不善交流的同学找到自信、发现乐趣。一年来我们积极向上,蓬勃发展,多次组织与英语有关的活动,逐渐扩大了社团在同学中的影响,极大的提高了社团内部同学们学习英语的热情,逐渐成长为一个团结友爱、富有激情、互助学习的大集体。


    there are many organizations in our college and eah of them all has more than 100 members.but the most popular one is The Red Cross which has over 700 members ,is the biggest organization in our college.i have joined it since i steped i订敞斥缎俪等筹劝船滑nto the colleages gate.and many avtivities have been held by our organization in each semester ,including going out to help the old people in rest home and donating when some people suffered from earthquake.

    if you want to join us ,please contact us by the following message,and we will recruit new members next sunday in the NO.1 building s hall.welcome you to join us.



