seems like we need to do some copy plus translation work.
the differences in manners and customs between Chinese and western cultures.
The old saying: “When in Rome, do as the Romans” is not sufficient for bridging the communication gap and cultural differences between China and the western countries.What is considered "mannerly" is highly susceptible to change with time, geographical location, social stratum, occasion, and other factors. When exploring the differences in communication manners and customs, we set them mainly into three parts: manner and culture; communication manner and table manner. Considering the roots of these differents, histirical and regional causes might took the significant places. Therefore, a cross culture environment and a cross culture mind do lead to the better understanding in todays communication.
done. run your spell check please. I didnt pay any attention about spelling and the numbers of words while typing. add some words of your major couses.
good luck and best wishes.
Abstract: Xiao Hong, the half a century ago to "the other side singing of Cheonggye, green leaves here," [1] spring chant verses, the writer lamented the fate of the Forum from the path that day on, on to love feelings of concern and compassion with the vision of the land north-east of the survival of large numbers of people, and her own unique spiritual and delicate brush strokes to capture the land of the north-east all kinds of people, exposing them to the original backward, ignorant, but also to tell people awakening: "living to die than to be meaningful for the Death of the more" philosophy of survival. This article from the awareness of their homes, customs, life forms on three aspects of cultural style of Xiao Hong Northeast Fiction impact, and further reveals the Xiao Hong from two poles of life and death, the tragedy of everyday life the meaning of life as well as in the mining this process the meaning of life and the pursuit of human values and interpretation.
Keywords: Awareness of their homes; Customs; Life forms; Value of life
范文1. 碧绿的大海里,鱼儿在自由自在地遨游;蔚蓝的天空下,鸟儿在无拘无束地鸣唱,青翠的草地上,花儿在争先恐后地开放……整个世界,显得那么生机盎然! 生命是什么,生命是风的轻盈岁月,生命是雨的淋漓尽致,生命是有着许多合音的交响,生命是有着一颗感恩而快乐的心,生命是能够每日快乐洋溢的幸福。
往往因为一点小事,动不动就拿死来威胁,产生轻生的想法,甚至有一些同学真的去做,这种行为给社会和家庭带来了很大的损失,这是极不负责任的行为。 生命是多么可贵、活着是多么美好!每天清晨醒来,我就想我要好好地把握每一天,真心真意地对待每一天。
是啊,生命就像一朵花,生命之花是绚烂的,也是脆弱的,稍不珍惜就会枯萎,凋零。 范文2. “珍爱生命,健康成长。”
有着太多的理由,它们一片一片和在一起,成为一丝长线,牵住生命,让我们的生命成为多彩、永悦的春天! 春去春会来,花谢花会开。然而,生命只有一次,它不仅仅是自己的,更属于所有关心、呵护、爱着我们的人。
因此,我们不仅要为自己坚强地活,更应该为爱我们的人努力地活着。 不要当人去楼空时,再懊悔、惋惜时,还来得及吗?生命诚可贵呀!其实,珍爱自己的生命,健康地成长是一种责任,那是对自己、对爱自己的人负责。
你可曾想过,爱自己的人有多少?他们为自己付出多少?他们给予了自己多少?当我们不爱惜自己时,可明白这束缚了多少人的快乐,牵动了多少人的心,要让多少人为自己流泪? 有一件真实的事情发生在我的身边:今年暑假里,我的一个学生的父亲在工地上干活时不小心摔死了,因为这个开学那几日,他变得非常的孤单,神情恍惚,仿佛失去了自己,整日沉默不语,一个人坐在教室的角落里,常常看到他落泪的样子、哀伤的神情。是啊,他的家庭失去了支柱,漫长的人生路他将如何走下去?遇到挫折,他能否坚定地站起来?谁来给他的生命延续给予保证?……我不敢想,真的不也想。
但是,这些在您看来“理所当然”的现象中往往隐藏着极大的健康危机,只有珍爱生命者才能让这些隐藏着的烦恼离我们远去。 一次的偶然的机会,我在医院里曾看到一个生命的落幕,一位奄奄一息,弥留于世的病人。
那一刻我的心猛然间一凉,那时那刻各种耳语她已不再闻,一张张亲人的面孔也已看不清了,然而她还是努力挽留住自己的生命,即便已经是虚幻、孱弱了的生命。 从这种生与死的临界点,我领悟到了生命的可贵。
由此,我想到了秋风中飘落的黄叶,在它们经历了春的萌发、夏的旺盛,却走向了归根的季节,然后在冬的泥泞中,结成了坚硬的壳,守护着曾经有过的美丽,以等待明年的绿意从容。 朱自清曾说过这样一句话:“燕子去了,有再来的时候;杨柳枯了,有再青的时候;桃花谢了,有再开的时候。
但是,聪明的你告诉我,我们的日子为什么一去不复返呢?”是啊!落叶可以重获新生,但人生的四季却是在希望与失望中穿梭,却不能像落叶那样等待绿意,是不能周而复始的。 珍爱生命,健康成长,是追求破茧成蝶的过程,而不是守侯翩翩起舞的美丽;是流星划过后的辉煌,而不是星空闪烁的浪漫。
珍爱生命,健康成长,是凡琐的城市中闪动的灵魂,是热闹生活中的一曲阳春白雪。 珍爱生命,健康成长,是要有两颗心,一颗化成顽石,拒绝生活中的伤悲,一颗化成爱心,珍惜身边的一切。
Financial activities spans across the complete process of the management of an enterprise。
Financial risks are a sign which can give a comprehensive reflection of the operation of the enterprise。 With the institution of socialist market economy, with Chinas entrance into the WTO, the question of financial risks of enterprises is becoming increasingly prominent。
In order to help enterprises build up an awareness of finacial risks, and strengthen the control of financial risks, and prevent financial crisies from happening, aviod losses from financial risks, the author conducts a concise analysis and discussion into the characteristics, formation, indicators and prevention of financial risks。 It is hoped that this will facilitate the enterprises to set up early warning systems in this regard, control risks in fund raising, investment, asset return, perfect risk operation systems, so as to realize the maximum return of the enterprises。
With rapid economic development in the 21th century, people are paying more and more attention to the penalties on illegal use of land for construction。
To impose penalties is a kind of administrative punishment rather than simply a kind of administrative management。 Yet what we are all concerning about is just what and how much to fine as well as what not to fine。
to break the law( be illegal); the use of land(for construction); to impose penalties 。
[abstract] This is Changsha YuanGe residential area design, 【constructions long, wide】,(不知道是你写的不全还是怎么,有点不通,如果你要加数字,就用the length of construction is。the width of construction is。) a total of 12 layer, total building area is。, building height of principal part is。. Design content mainly includes the architectural design and structural design .
The part of architectural design Including the overall layout,the plane and vertical transportation, and the requirements of fire prevention and evacuation. Design mainly include
planar configuration, elevation and profile design and fire protection and evacuation design, etc., follow the principle of "safty,availability,economy,aesthetics" , satisfy peoples demand for residential use function and aesthetic.
Design structure using short-leg
shear wall system, to adapt to the new housing concept of people. Combining with hand calculation and PKPM computing , including load calculation (gravity load, wind load),shear walls and floor slabs, the design calculation of beam and reinforcement.
Key words: short-leg shear wall; High-rise residential; The structure design
The modern enterprise system request enterprise strengthens the market competition ability, becomes the market competition main body. Must solve the enterprise and the market relations, must determine that enterprise market competition ability the general goals, and carry on the science to its market operative activity the predict that the decision-making, the control and the analysis, but these, are precisely responsibility accounting can do. After implementing the reform and open policy, our country accountant the discipline has introduced “responsibility accounting” concept. With the lapse of time, societys development, more and more enterprises have applied responsibility accounting in reality this calculation method. But because Our country Enterprise internal economy calculation system has not carried on the system, the comprehensive summary theoretically, therefore Shang You not the entirely as desired place, through analyzed Our country Enterprise responsibility accountings application condition to be possible in reality to see, when Our country Enterprise application responsibility accounting, in aspects and so on target formulation, decentralization management, internal transfer pricing formulation, drive drive also has all sorts of problems, these questions, to responsibility accounting systems consummation, played the role to responsibility accounting to produce are affecting. The question analysis which to the enterprise this article writing goal is through should hit responsibility accounting when calculation meets, proposed that the corresponding solution suggested that causes the enterprise to establish quite perfect responsibility accounting the system to strengthen the enterprise market competitiveness to raise the economic efficiency.。
毕业论文 英文摘要
Todays rapid development of information technology, the society needs more and more diverse, real estate management information is also more and more important, the management of operation data and property data information becomes more and more important.
How to use the standard of management information system and smooth information query input for modern city, the house property intermediary business, so I found a easy application and design of the property management system records inquires are necessary.
Paper discusses "property management system" the theoretical basis and the design thought, system development process and according to the function of the system to achieve the main discusses database management software development process. Major in software engineering theory as the theoretical basis of system development, client/server model in a relational database as the background, professional development of language as a means of realizing database of database management software development process analysis and theoretical research.