
求:SAT考试中Essay的范文! 急!急!!
看看这个 行吗 先说拉 偶 不懂英语 oneof the most important aspects of a person is his orherjob. Whether a person is a basketballstar, high schoolteacher, or astronaut, it is the job that defines aperson'slife. Even schoolwork determines whatdailyactivities one chooses to do. Workis the essential base of aperson's livelihood and sets the daily schedule of aperson anddetermines what people that person interacts with. oneexampleis my schoolwork. I value my educationand prioritizeit, making sure that I complete my homework before I begintorelax. When I go home, I make itmandatory that my homeworkis done before I begin to do things required for myextracurricularactivities or play. Vacations and doctor appointments are scheduledaround my school yearand school day respectively. Thegroupof friends I decide to associate with is also determined by myacademics. All of my friends also place theireducationfirst, giving all of us no temptations or pressure to go anddo a fun activitybefore the work is done. This results inanenvironment that is based upon my schoolwork and facilitatesmylearning. Anotherexamplewould be my father's job as an airline pilot. Although avery good job, it requires him towork an extremely oddschedule. Forexample, he sometimes may not even be at homefor an entire week and then mayspend the next week not even working.However he and my family have learned how to deal withthis. He gives us his monthly schedule of flightsand we allschedule in time to spend with him. His days can range from coming tomy soccer games, to going to one of mysister's ballet recitals, tochaperoning a field trip to Sea World. His friends are also,for the majority, fromhis work. Whenever he can, heschedulespoker games with his copilots and also takes us to companyparties. His best friend now is his main copilot and Icansee that they have formed a bond of camaraderie. Asone cansee, the type of work determines not only one's daily scheduleand life, butalso the friends that one associates with. For me and myfather, my schoolwork and his piloting determine when weplay work, andspend family time together as well as the people we spend themost timewith. Work tells us what to doeveryday and without it, wewould all be lost.。
2017年新SAT Essay作文怎么写 哥大男神教授亲授
一、ESSAY要求:50分钟完成1文章阅读(议论文)2分析作者在立论以后如何支持其论点分析的角度可以从以下几点中选择:作者使用了哪些证据(evidence)、论证的逻辑思维(reasoning)、写作风格或修辞(stylistic or persuasive elements)*注意分析中不能加入你的主观看法。
二、 文章结构:第一段总结阅读文章的中心内容以及通过什么样的形式表达的这个内容。写作时要保证写全阅读文章的主要内容,要注意不能遗漏要点并且不能包含细节。
第二段至第四段分析阅读文章的作者使用的证据(evidence),推理(reasoning),以及文学修饰的方法(stylistic)。Evidence包括事实,数据,专家的引用,实验的结果以及例子(fact, statistics, quotations fromexperts, the results of experiments or research, and examples)。
Reasoning 是逻辑分析,包括develop the argument, tie theclaim and evidence together. Stylistic and persuasive elements 是修饰技巧( rhetorical techniques), 包括make use of appeals, employ particularly vivid descriptivelanguage, and other devices 。第五段应总结自己的论点,结尾。
新SATEssay 考试时间为50分钟,需要先阅读并分析一篇650-750字的文章,然后写一篇650-750字的作文,作文的写作重点是介绍阅读文章+对文章的分析。建议:时间分布应为5分钟阅读文章+分析,40-42分钟写作,3分钟检查文章的语法错误。
求助sat 作文攻略 5月考过一次是8分悲剧!! 10月1号还要冲一次啊-
例子的话要详细阐明如何能够证明你的论点 这个网上有范文完全可以学习有些例子如居里夫人爱迪生什么的真的太cliche了= =能不用最好不用 实在没有什么东西可以想了再考虑其实最好能写些自己的例子 文学里的例子其实很不错 但是如果全是文学的又略显单一我六月的作文写了两个例子 一个是简爱的一个是自己的 最后是11分 说实话网上说一定要三段论甚的我觉得不是很对 所以可以看范文自己揣摩什么样的essay是好的essay最终写essay还是要靠你对题目的理解和自己看问题的立场。
一道SAT作文题do people depend on work—whether it is a job,
二楼的说得挺不错的,这个题目没完整,是20055年5月的SAT ESSAY 真题,完整的题目如下: Do people depend on work—whether it is a job, schoolwork, or volunteer work—to determine what their daily activities and interactions with others should be?
人们是否依赖工作(一般工作, 学校作业或是志愿者工作)来决定他们的日常活动和社交,我个人认为可以从正反两面来写,可以赞成,可以反对。反对的话,首先肯定工作确实丰富了人们的日常活动,扩大了人们的社交圈子,然后再通过工作以外的其他活动阐述自己的观点,比如旅游,参加各种社团和聚会等等都可以来安排日常活动,和他人建立社交关系。
比较建议你写两个例子,这样可以写具体一点。乃是16er吧加油啊 10分不难的。
求:SAT考试中Essay的范文! 急!急!!
求SAT Essay 的题目
61. Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below: (2007.5) Assignment: Can knowledge be a burden rather than a benefit? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observation. 62. Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below: (2007.5) Assignment: Is it always best to determine one's own views of right and wrong, or can we benefit from following the crowd? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observation. 63. Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below: (2007.5) 引文: We do not take the time to determine right from wrong. Reflecting on the difference between right and wrong is hard work. It is so much easier to follow the crowd, going along with what is popular rather than risking the disapproval of others by voicing an objection of any kind. Adapted from Stephen J. Carter, Integrity 引文: Knowledge is power. In agriculture, medicine, and industry, for example, knowledge has liberated us from hunger, disease, and tedious labor. Today, however, our knowledge has become so powerful that it is beyond our control. We know how to do many things, but we do not know where, when, or even whether this know-how should be used. 引文: Materialism: it's the thing that everybody loves to hate. Few aspects of modern life have been more criticized than materialism. But let's face it: materialism—acquiring possessions and spending money—is a vital source of meaning and happiness in our time. People may criticize modern society for being too materialistic, but the fact remains that most of us spend most of our energy producing and consuming more and more stuff. Adapted from James Twitchell, “Two Cheers for Materialism” 引文: Every event has consequences that are potentially beneficial. We may not always be happy about an experience, but we should at least gain in some way from it. For example, the worldwide gasoline shortage in the early 1970's created many hardships but inspired efforts to conserve energy. Whether the gains are large or small, there is something positive or useful for us in everything that happens to us. Assignment: Do circumstances determine whether or not we should tell the truth? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observation.。
Personally, I will white something about walking instead of driving, avoiding lose Personal privacies without using Facebook. Also u can mention modern tec can accelerate add stresses on ur life, however if u refuse to do so, u would not have that kind of tribulations at all.。