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  • 商业函范文


    商业信函的写作 1)中文信函 如同一般信函,商业信文一般由开头、正文、结尾、署名、日期等5个部分组成。

    (1)开头 开头写收信人或收信单位的称呼。称呼单独占行、顶格书写,称呼后用冒号。

    (2)正文 信文的正文是书信的主要部分,叙述商业业务往来联系的实质问题,通常包括: ①向收信人问候; ②写信的事由,例如何时收到对方的来信,表示谢意,对于来信中提到的问题答复等等; ③该信要进行的业务联系,如询问有关事宜,回答对方提出的问题,阐明自己的想法或看法,向对方提出要求等。如果既要向对方询问,又要回答对方的询问,则先答后问,以示尊重; ④提出进一步联系的希望、方式和要求。

    (3)结尾 结尾往往用简单的一两句话,写明希望对方答复的要求。如“特此函达,即希函复。”


    “敬礼”、“健康”则转行顶格书写。 (4)署名 署名即写信人签名,通常写在结尾后另起一行(或空一、二行)的偏右下方位置。


    (5)日期 写信日期—般写在署名的下一行或同一行偏右下方位置。商业信函的日期很重要,不要遗漏。

    2)英文信函 同国外进行经商的业务往来信函,常用英文书写,按英文信函的习惯用法,由信头、日期、收信人姓名地址、称谓、正文、结尾、签字和其它等8个部分组成。 (1)信头 信头是指信纸上印刷或打印的企业名称、厂称、地址、电话号码、电报挂号、主管人姓名等。

    (2)日期 日期通常打印在信头的右下方位置,或在寄信人姓名和地址的下方位置。日期的英式写法是日、月、年;美式写法是月、日、年。


    (3)收信人的名称及地址 与信封上的收信人名称和地址相同,通常打印在信纸的左侧,低于日期位置2—4行,也可在签字位置下2—4行。 书写收信单位名称时,应特别尊重对方的习惯,不能随意增删公司名称前的冠词The,也不能随意改用繁写及缩写,如Company与Co.之间不能互换,否则会被认为是不礼貌的行为。


    (4)称谓 在英文信函中,相同于“阁下”、“先生”等类礼貌性称谓,常用Dear sirs”;称呼企业,公司的妇女组织常用Madams,Ladies;无具体收信人姓名用Dear Sir称呼收信者。 (5)正文 正文的地位和内容与中文书信相同。


    (6)结尾 英文商业信函的结尾是写信人的谦称,相当于“敬上”的意思。若收信者为公司,谦称则常用:Yours Truly,Truly Yours,Yours faithfully等;若收信者为个人,则常用:Yours sincerely,Sincerely yours等。

    需要注意的是,结尾的谦称后必须加逗号。 (7)签署 签署由两部分组成,一是写信人的签名,二是打印出的写信人的姓名。


    常见的职衔有:Chairman of the Board of directors(董事长),President或Genera1 Manager(总经理),Director(董事),Stand Director(常务董事),Manager(经理),Head of Department(职员),Manageress(女经理),Head of a Department(处长),Section chief(科长)等。 需要指出的是,写信人如要代表企业单位或代理签署时,应在结尾谦称下打印出全部大写的企业单位名称,然后才签署,以表明该信不是以写信人个人身份写的,信由所述事宜均由企业单位负责。

    (8)其它 商业信函除上述内容外,还经常遇到以下情况: ①写信人提请对方特定人员注意时,可在信内姓名及地址的下面或在称呼同一行之右侧说明,并加上Attn.(Attention的缩写)字祥,也可在字下划横线表示。 ②写信人为使对方迅速、正确地理解信所谈的主题与目的,常在信内列出“事由”项,记在信文的上方,并在Subject底下划横线,以提醒对方注意。

    ③为便于商业信函留存查阅并分清责任,书信下部注有发信人及打字员姓名的第一个字母,位于署名下两行的左下方。 ④为说明信所附附件,便于收信人清点,可在发信人及打字员姓名的字母下行加注。

    ⑤如信文写完后需要补充一点,或加附与信文主题无关的简短内容时,可在信文末尾附件下加附言,用P.S.(Postscript的缩写)引导。 对国外商业业务往来信函的结构格式举例如下:日期 May,20,1998,收信人 Mach &.Welson,地址340 Camedle Ave 。


    正确的商业信函格式应将收信人的地址放在日期下方 , 距敬称上方两行处以上. 与信封排列格式相同。如果用全开信纸 , 日期应放在信纸的右上方 , 与下方的结束语及署名对齐.

    August 8,2000

    Mr. John Lake

    T&T Co.Ltd.

    25 Broadway New York,

    New York 10024

    Dear Mr. Lake,

    (Body of the Letter)

    Sincerely yours,

    Arthur Harding Moore

    http://www.888c.cn/market/viewinfo.jsp?bas_id=1163569120007531 有很多不同类型的范文


    一、介绍信 1. Dear Mr/Ms, This is to introduce Mr Frank Jones ,our new marketingspecialist who will be in London from April 5 to midApril on business.We shall appreciate any help you can give Mr Jones andwill always be happy to reciprocate.Yours faithfully尊敬的先生/小姐,现向您推荐我们的市场专家弗兰克·琼斯先生。


    您诚挚的2. Dear Mr/Ms,We are pleased to introduce Mr Wang You, our import managerof Textiles Department. Mr Wang is spending three weeksin your city to develop our business with chief manufacturesand to make purchases of decorative fabrics for the comingseason.We shall be most grateful if you will introduce him toreliable manufacturers and give him any help or advice he mayneed.Your faithfully尊敬的先生/小姐,我们非常高兴向您介绍我们纺织部的进口经理王有先生。王先生将在你市度过三周,他要与主要的生产厂家拓展商务并为下一季度采购装饰织品。

    如能介绍他给可靠的生产厂家,向他提供所需的任何帮助或建议,我们将不胜感谢。您诚挚的二、感谢信 Dear Mr/Ms,Thank you for your letter of June 4, enclosing anaccount of the organization and work of your Chamberof Commerce and Industry.We are very grateful for such a detailed account ofyour activities. This information is certain to helpincrease our future cooperation.Yours faithfully尊敬的先生/小姐,谢谢您六月四日的来信及随信附上的说明书,该说明书描述了你们工商总会的工作与组织结构。


    你诚挚的三、祝贺信 1. Dear Mr/Ms,On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of your NationalDay, please accept our heartiest congratulations.May the trade connections between our countries continueto develop with each passing day!Yours faithfully尊敬的先生/小姐,值此国庆三十五周年之际,请接受我们最真诚的祝贺。愿我们两国之间的贸易联系持续发展。

    你诚挚的2. Dear Mr MinisterAllow me to convey my congratulations on your promotionto Minister of Trade. I am delighted that many yearsservice you have given to your country should have beenrecognized and appreciated.We wish you success in your new post and look forwardto closer cooperation with you in the development oftrade between our two countries.Sincerely尊敬的部长先生,请允许我向您升任贸易部长表示祝贺。多年来你对国家的贡献被认可,欣赏,我非常高兴。

    我们祝愿您在新的职位取得成功,期待我们两国在贸易发展上进一步合作。诚挚的四、回复信 Dear Mr/Ms,Thank you for your letter conveying congratulations onmy appointment.I wish also to thank you for the assistance you havegiven me in my work and look forward to bettercooperation in the future.Sincerely尊敬的先生/小姐,感谢你来信对我的任命表达的祝贺。

    我也感谢您对我的工作给予的支持,并期望未来能有更好的合作。诚挚的五、邀请信与答复 1、邀请信Dear Mr/Ms,We should like to invite your Corporation to attend the 1997 International Fair which will be held from April 29 to May 4 at the above address. Full details on the Fair will be sent in a week.We look forward to hearing from you soon, and hope that you will be able to attend.Yours faithfully尊敬的先生/小姐,在上述地址,我们想请贵公司参加于四月二十九日到五月四日举办的1997国际商品交易会,关于交易会的详情我们一周内将寄给你。

    希望不久能收到你的来信,并能来参加。您诚挚的2、肯定答复Dear Mr/Ms,Thank you for your letter of March 20 inviting our corporation to participate in the 1997 International Fair. We are very pleased to accept and will plan to display our electrical appliances as we did in previous years.Mr Li will be in your city from April 2 to 7 to make specific arrangements and would very much appreciate your assistance.Yours faithfully尊敬的先生/小姐,感谢三月二十八日来信邀请我们公司参加1997国际商品交易会。


    你诚挚的3、否定的答复Dear Mr/Ms,Thank you very much for your invitation to attend the 1997 Internationl Fair. As we are going to open a repair shop in your city at that time, we are sorry that we shall not be able to come.We hope to see you on some future occasion.Yours faithfully尊敬的先生/小姐,。


    1)中文信函 如同一般信函,商业信文一般由开头、正文、结尾、署名、日期等5个部分组成。

    (1)开头 开头写收信人或收信单位的称呼。称呼单独占行、顶格书写,称呼后用冒号。

    (2)正文 信文的正文是书信的主要部分,叙述商业业务往来联系的实质问题,通常包括: ①向收信人问候; ②写信的事由,例如何时收到对方的来信,表示谢意,对于来信中提到的问题答复等等; ③该信要进行的业务联系,如询问有关事宜,回答对方提出的问题,阐明自己的想法或看法,向对方提出要求等。 如果既要向对方询问,又要回答对方的询问,则先答后问,以示尊重; ④提出进一步联系的希望、方式和要求。

    (3)结尾 结尾往往用简单的一两句话,写明希望对方答复的要求。如“特此函达,即希函复。”

    同时写表示祝愿或致敬的话,如“此致敬礼”、“敬祝健康”等。 祝语一般分为两行书写,“此致”、“敬祝”可紧随正文,也可和正文空开。

    “敬礼”、“健康”则转行顶格书写。 (4)署名 署名即写信人签名,通常写在结尾后另起一行(或空一、二行)的偏右下方位置。

    以单位名义发出的商业信函,署名时可写单位名称或单位内具体部门名称,也可同时署写信人的姓名。 重要的商业信函,为郑重起见,也可加盖公章。

    (5)日期 写信日期—般写在署名的下一行或同一行偏右下方位置。商业信函的日期很重要,不要遗漏。






    Rogers Chemical Supply Co.




    We have obtained your name and address from Aristo Shoes, Milan , and we are writing to enquire whether you would be willing to establish business relations with us.

    We have been importers of shoes for many years. At present, We are interested in extending our, range and would appreciate your catalogues and quotations.If your prices are competitive we would expect to transact a significant volume of business.

    We look forward to your early reply.

    Very truly yours


    请求建立商业关系Kee & Co., Ltd34 Regent StreetLondon, UKDear Sirs:We have obtained your name and address from Dee&Co. Ltd, and we are writing to enquire whether you would be willing to establish business relations with us.We have been importers of shoes for many years. At present, we are interested in extending our range and would appreciate your catalogues and quotations.If your prices are competitive we would expect to place volume orders on you.We look forward to your early reply.Yours faithfully,Tony SmithChief Buyer --------------------------------------------------------------------------------——先生:我们从蒂科公司得知贵司商号与地址,特此来函,希望能同贵司发展商务关系。





    外贸函电范例一般商业书信——收讫 您昨日来信已收悉, 谨于此按您所约定的条件。

    接受此项任务。 I acknowledge receipt of your letter of yesterday, and gratefully accept the appointment on the terms you mention。

    6月1日贵函敬悉。 We are pleased to acknowledge receipt of your favour of the 1st June。

    本月5日来函敬悉。 We acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 5th inst。

    本商品将于12月最后一 班轮 船付运, 货到时请惠于告知。 Kindly acknowledge receipt, and have the goods sent by the last steamer in December。

    我们如期收到您5月15日的信, 信中所谈事宜尽悉。 谢谢。

    We duly received your favour of the 15th May, contents of which we note with thanks。 6月6日来函收悉, 我们无法交运该货, 甚感遗撼。

    We are in possession o fyour favour of the 6th June, and regret having to inform you that it is impossible for us to deliver the goods。 7月15日寄来的货物 发票 收悉。

    We are in possession of your invoice of the 15th July。 7月7日的贵函收悉, 感谢您订购下列货物: 。

    Your favour of the 7th July is at hand, and thank you for your order for: 。 。

    。 7月10日来函敬悉。

    Your favour of the 10th July came duly to hand。 您昨天的信和所附来的100美元的 支票 均已收悉。

    Your favour of yesterday covering a chequie of $100 is duly to hand。 昨天贵函已收悉。

    Your favour of yesterday is duly received。 我们已收到您昨日写的信。

    We have received your letter of yesterday。 我们如期收到您昨日发来的信。

    We duly received your letter of yesterday。 我们于5月1日收到您4月3日的信。

    We received on the 1st May your valued favour dated 3th April。 我们如期收到您5月27日函和附来的150美元的 汇票 。

    We duly received your favour of the 27th May, with a draft for $150。 2月6日来函收悉。

    We have received your letter dated 6th February。 您6月5日的来函收悉, 多谢。

    We have to own with thanks the receipt of your favour of 6th June。 您昨日来信已收悉, 谨于此按您所约定的条件。

    接受此项任务。 I acknowledge receipt of your letter of yesterday, and gratefully accept the appointment on the terms you mention。

    6月1日贵函敬悉。 We are pleased to acknowledge receipt of your favour of the 1st June。

    本月5日来函敬悉。 We acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 5th inst。

    本商品将于12月最后一 班轮 船付运, 货到时请惠于告知。 Kindly acknowledge receipt, and have the goods sent by the last steamer in December。

    我们如期收到您5月15日的信, 信中所谈事宜尽悉。 谢谢。

    We duly received your favour of the 15th May, contents of which we note with thanks。 6月6日来函收悉, 我们无法交运该货, 甚感遗撼。

    We are in possession o fyour favour of the 6th June, and regret having to inform you that it is impossible for us to deliver the goods。 7月15日寄来的货物 发票 收悉。

    We are in possession of your invoice of the 15th July。 7月7日的贵函收悉, 感谢您订购下列货物: 。

    Your favour of the 7th July is at hand, and thank you for your order for: 。 。

    。 7月10日来函敬悉。

    Your favour of the 10th July came duly to hand。 您昨天的信和所附来的100美元的 支票 均已收悉。

    Your favour of yesterday covering a chequie of $100 is duly to hand。 昨天贵函已收悉。

    Your favour of yesterday is duly received。 我们已收到您昨日写的信。

    We have received your letter of yesterday。 我们如期收到您昨日发来的信。

    We duly received your letter of yesterday。 我们于5月1日收到您4月3日的信。

    We received on the 1st May your valued favour dated 3th April。 我们如期收到您5月27日函和附来的150美元的 汇票 。

    We duly received your favour of the 27th May, with a draft for $150。 2月6日来函收悉。

    We have received your letter dated 6th February。 您6月5日的来函收悉, 多谢。

    We have to own with thanks the receipt of your favour of 6th June。 外贸函电 范例一般商业书信—— 通知 通知 本厂已迁移到上述地址, 特此通知。

    I inform you that I have now removed my factory to the above address。 我方已在本市开设贸易与总代理店, 特此通知。

    同时, 恳请订购。 Having established ourselves in this city, as merchants and general agents, we take the liberty of acquainting you of it, and solicit the preference of your order。

    本公司于5月1日将改为股份有限公司, 特此奉告。 We are pleased to inform you that our business will be turned into a limited company on the 1st May。

    本公司股东年会, 将于3月1日在银行家俱乐部召开, 特此函告。 Notice is hereby given that the annual general meeting of the shareholders of our company will be held at the Bankers Club on Mar。

    1。 今天我们已付给R。

    S。先生120美元, 特此告知。

    By this we inform you that we have today paid Mr。 R。

    S。 $120。

    通过这些渠道, 他们会发来甚多订单。

