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  • 申请信用证电函范文


    信用证修改申请书[Application for Amendment Letter of Credit] 开证申请人在修改信用证条款时向开证行提交的书面文件。

    申请书的内容须写明原证的受益人、金额、编号等,并详列各项所需修改的内容及修改书应以什么方式发出。 修改的费用一般按次收取,另加电报费或邮费。

    如信用证需延长效期或增加金额,则按开证行费率表的开证费用追加。 信用证修改证实书[Confirmation of Credit Amendment] 证实电报修改信用证内容的书面文件。

    见“信用证电报证实书”。 信用证的展期[Extension of Credit) 开证行通过对信用证的修改延长信用证有效期的行为。


    在对信用证展期时,应该注意的是,展延信用证有效期限时,应同时展延装运期限,因为最迟装运日期的展延并不因信用证有效期限的展延而顺延,同样修改中只展延了装运期限,并不意味信用证的有效期限也相应得到展延。 如果修改中展延的装运期超过了有效期,应要求开证行澄清。


    IRREVOCABLE documentARY CREDIT APPLICATIONTO:BANK OF CHINA JIANGSU BRANCHBeneficiary(full name and address): Applicant(full name and address):Partial shipment: Transhipment: Latest date of shipment:( ) allowed ( ) allowed( ) not allowed ( ) not allowed Date of expiry:Loading on board/dispatch/taking in charge Amount (Both in figures and words):From:To:Price term:Credit available with ( ) .( ) by negotiation / ( ) by acceptance with beneficiarys draft for % of the invoice value at sight on issuing bank( ) by sight payment / ( ) by deferred payment at daysagainst the documents detailed hereinCommodity: Shipping mark:documents required:1. ( ) Signed commercial invoice in 5 folds indicating l/c no. and contract no.2. ( ) Full set (3/3) of clean on board ocean bills of lading made out to order and blank endorsed marked "( )freight prepaid / ( ) to collect" notify the applicant.( ) Air waybill consigned to the applicant notify the applicant mared "freight ( ) to collect / ( ) prepaid".3. ( ) Insurance policy/certificate in 2 folds for 110% of the invoice value,showing claims pay in china in the currency of the draft, blank endorsed covering ( ) ocean marine transportation / ( ) air transportation / ( ) overland transportation all risks, war risks as per clause.4. ( ) Packing list/weight list in 3 folds indicating quantity/gross and net weights.5. ( ) Certificate of origin in 3 folds.6. ( ) Certificate of quantity/weight in 3 folds.7. ( ) Certificate of quality in 3 folds issued by ( ) manufacturer / ( ) beneficiary.8. ( ) Beneficiarys certified copy of telex/fax dispatched to the applicant within days/hours after shipment advising goods name,( ) name of vessel / ( ) flight no., date, quantity, weight and value of shipment.9. ( ) Beneficiarys certificate certifying that ( ) one set of non-negotiable documents / ( )one set of non-negotiable documents (including 1/3 original b/l) has been dispatched to the applicant directly by courier/speed post.10. Other documents, if any:Additional instructions:1. All bankings charges outside the issuing bank are for beneficiarys account.2. documents must be presented within days after the date of shipment but within the validityof this credit.3. Both quantity and amount % more or less are allowed.4. All documents must be sent to issuing bank by courier/speed post in one lot.5. Other terms, if any:。



    APPLICATION FOR ISSUING LETTER OF CREDITTO:BANK OF CHINA XX BR.中国银行XX分行 date——(开证日期)Beneficiary (full name and address) SANGYONG CORPORATION CPO. BOX 405 SEOUL KOREA受益人信息,必须写全称极详细地址,注明传真,电话号码等。L/C NO. Ex-Card No. Contract No. 97040信用证编号,合同号码什么的Date and place of expiry of the credit SEPT. 28, 1997 KOREA到期时间和地点(一般在受益国到期)Partial shipments 根据合同是否允许分批装运,在下面选项的前方口中打叉O allowed O not allowedTransshipment 转运O allowed O not allowed O Issue by airmail O With brief advice by teletransmission O Issue by express delivery O Issue by teletransmission (which shall be the operative instrument)传递方式(四种):信开,电开,快递,简电后随寄电报证实书,选哪一项,就在前面的口里面打叉。

    Loading on board / dispatch / taking in charge at / from RUSSIAN SEA Not later than SEPT. 13, 1999 for transportation to DALIAN PORT, CHINAAmount (both in figures and words) USD1,146,725.04(SAY U.S. DOLLARS ONE MILLION ONE HUNDRED AND FORTH SIX THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY FIVE CENTS FOUR ONLY)根据合同填写装运地及目的港,最迟装运期,如有转运港也要写明。Description of goods:货描(根据合同填写货物的名称,规格,数量,包装,价格,唛头等)FROZEN YELLOWFIN SOLE WHOLE ROUND (WITH WHITE BELLY) USD770/MT CFR DALIAN TOTAL QUANTITY: 500MT SPECIFICATIONS AND PACKING ConDITIONS ARE AS PER ATTACHMENT TO THIS APPLICATION Credit available with O by sight payment O by acceptance O by negotiation O by deferred payment at against the documents detailed herein O and beneficiarys draft for 100 % of the invoice value at 45 days after sight on BANK OF CHINA LIAonING BRANCH付款方式(四种选项):即期付款,承兑付款,议付,延期付款。

    O FOB O or other terms O CFR O CIF 价格术语:FOB,CFR,CIF和其他条件。documents required: (marked with x)单据条款:在所需单据前面的括号里面打叉,然后在该条款后面填上具体的要求,如一式几份,应包括什么内容。

    (X) Signed Commercial Invoice in 5 copies indicating invoice no., contract no. 商业发票(X) Full set of clean on board ocean Bills of Lading made out to order and blank endorsed, marked "freight ( ) to collect / (X) prepaid ( ) showing freight amount" notifying LIAO NING OCEAN FISHING CO., LTD. TEL: (86)411-3680000 提单( ) Air Waybills showing "freight ( ) to collect / ( ) prepaid ( ) indicating freight amount" and consigned to _________. ( ) Memorandum issued by _________________ consigned to __________ (X) Insurance Policy / Certificate in 3 copies for 110 % of the invoice value showing claims payable in China in currency of the draft, bank endorsed, covering ( ) Ocean Marine Transportation / ( ) Air Transportation / ( ) Over Land Transportation) All Risks, War Risks. 保单(X) Packing List / Weight Memo in 4 copies indicating quantity / gross and net weights of each package and packing conditions as called for by the L/C. 装箱单(X) Certificate of Quantity / Weight in 2 copies issued an independent surveyor at the loading port, indicating the actual surveyed quantity / weight of shipped goods as well as the packing condition. 数量/重量证明(X) Certificate of Quality in 3 copies issued by ( ) manufacturer / (X) public recognized surveyor / ( ) 质量证明(X) Beneficiarys certified copy of FAX dispatched to the accountees with 3 days after shipment advising (X) name of vessel / (X) date, quantity, weight and value of shipment. 受益人证明( ) Beneficiarys Certificate certifying that extra copies of the documents have been dispatched according to the contract terms. ( ) Shipping Cos Certificate attesting that the carrying vessel is chartered or booked by accountee or their shipping agents: (X) Other documents, if any: a) Certificate of Origin in 3 copies issued by authorized institution. b) Certificate of Health in 3 copies issued by authorized institution.其他的 Additional instructions:附加条款,前面的六条是具体的内容,需要的就在前面打叉,内容不完整的,可以在后面第七条“其他条款”中添加。(X) All banking charges outside the opening bank are for beneficiarys account. (X) documents must be presented with 15 days after the date of issuance of the transport documents but within the validity of 。


    下面这一项是 关于保函的 请你确认看看 工程上的话 你就写上明细以后 让业主先付上 百分之多少的预付款 然后在 立据就可以了 就想合同是一样的 开 立 保 函/备 用 信 用 证 申 请 书 编号: 年 字 号 致:中国银行股份有限公司广州天河支 行 现我司因业务需要,依据我司与贵行签署的编号为___________ _ __的□《授信额度协议》/□《授信业务总协议》及其“附件6:用于开立保函/备用信用证”,向贵行申请开立保函/备用信用证。

    由此产生的权利义务,均按照前述协议、附件和本申请书的约定办理。 第一条 保函/备用信用证内容 我司向贵行申请按下列要素开立保函/备用信用证: 1、保函/备用信用证申请人名称和地址: 申请人名称:广东省长大公路工程有限公司(中文)。

    申请人地址:广州市广州大道中942号(中文)。 (英文)。

    被担保人名称和地址(此为选择性条款): (中文)。 (英文)。

    我司系以自己的名义作为被担保人的委托代理人提出申请(《授权委托书》附后),本申请书及由此形成的权利义务,按下列第 项处理: (1)我司在此同意根据我司与被担保人之间签署的《转让协议》中的指示,由我司从被担保人处受让,我司对贵行负责。(《转让协议》附后) (2)由被担保人承担,我司为之提供连带责任保证。

    (我司董事会/股东会/股东大会批准文件附后) 2.保函/备用信用证受益人名称和地址: 受益人名称: Ministry of Public Works and Transport of Kingdom of Cambodia (英文)。 受益人地址: Ministry of Public Works and Transport, 4 th Floor, Eastern Building, Corner Norodom Blvd. & St.106, Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia。

    3.货物/项目描述: 。 4、工程项目名称/协议/合同/标书号码: Cambodia Road Asset Management Project (Ramp) NR5 5、工程项目/协议/合同币种及金额:美元1758973.53元。

    6、保函/备用信用证币种:美元 。 金额:壹拾柒万伍仟捌佰玖拾柒元叁角伍分(大写); $175,897.35元(小写)。

    币种: 。 金额: (大写); (小写)。

    7、保函/备用信用证有效期: 。 如果是委托其他行转开,请贵行根据受托行的要求: (1)确定反担保效期。

    (2)确认反担保无限期 8、保函/备用信用证类别为下列第 (3) 种: (1)投标(2)履约(3)预付款(4)质量(5)维修(6)留置金(7)一般关税(8)加工贸易税款保付(9)网上支付税费担保(10)海事担保(11)诉讼保函(12)融资性保函(借款、透支、发债等)(13)飞机租赁(14)融资租赁(15)经营租赁(16)补偿贸易(17)即期付款(18)延期付款(19)其它 9、保函/备用信用证开立方式为下列第 (1) 种: (1)由贵行信开后交我司带交受益人/直接邮寄受益人。 (2)由贵行电开并委托 银行(英文全称)通知受益人/交我司代理机构带交受益人,我司代理机构的名称为 ,地址为 。

    (3)由贵行电开委托 银行(英文全称)转开交受益人/交我司代理机构带交受益人,我司代理机构的名称和地址 。 10、其它 。

    第二条 费用 我司将按时向贵行支付因叙作本申请书项下业务而产生的相关费用,该费用的计收依据、标准和方式等按贵行有关规定执行。 我司将通过以下第 种方式支付上述费用: 1、在贵行通知后 个银行工作日内通过 支付。

    2、授权贵行直接从我司账户(账号: )中扣收。 3、其他方式: 。

    对于提交此申请书时不能预见、在保函/备用信用证开出后发生的应由我司承担的费用,我司将以与上述相同的方式向贵行支付。 第三条 备付款项 我司将于保函/备用信用证约定的付款日或贵行要求的其他日期(以日期较前者为准)前 个银行工作日内将备付款项足额存入我司在贵行开立的账户(账号:825016728618093001),以用于保函/备用信用证项下对外付款。

    第四条 保函/备用信用证下的付款及利息 我司同意在保函/备用信用证有效期内,如发生保函/备用信用证项下索赔,经贵行审核受益人索赔文件符合保函/备用信用证约定的,毋须征得我司同意,贵行有权直接以我司按照本申请书约定存入的备付款项对外付款。 如因我司存入的备付款项不足致使贵行垫付索赔款项。

    索赔款项一经支付,即构成我司对贵行在本合同下的债务,我司应及时清偿。 对人民币垫款,从垫款之日起,按万分之五的比例按日计收利息。

    对外币垫款,从垫款之日起,在当期1年期固定贷款利率 的基础上加收 %计收利息。 第五条 反担保(备注:据实作选择性填写,不适用条款需删除)) 1、本申请书项下债务的担保方式为: □ 本申请书属于 与贵行签订的编号为 的□《最高额保证合同》/□《最高额抵押合同》/□《最高额质押合同》项下的主合同,由其提供最高额担保。

    □ 本申请书属于 与贵行签订的编号为 的□《最高额保证合同》/□《最高额抵押合同》/□《最高额质押合同》项下的主合同;此外,由 提供 担保,……,并签订相应的担保合同,若提供保证金质押则按本条第2款的约定办理。其中:由该 担保合同所对应的债务金额不在前述最高额担保合同之主债务范围内,其余债务金额在其主债务范围内。

    □ 由 提供 担保,……,并签订相应的担保合同。若提供保证金质押,则按本条第2款的约定办理。

