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  • thankyounotes范文


    Dear Life,Thanks for your variety and creativity that produces such a reality thing.I appreciate your deglighted part which makes me feel happy.However,I am much more grateful for those difficult part what teaches me lessons and helps me to grow up.Going through all those you give to me,I act much more like a mature adult and learn more things.Thanks again and Ill keep a heart of thanking for you!Love,XXXDate:06 June 2009 (日期)Dear Teacher xxx,(亲爱的xxx老师)Thank you very much for your kind help and patient tutoring in the past two yers.My English level has been improved in both spoken and written.I will try hard to study English as well as other courses in grade 3 and will strive for passing the exam to be a student of a key school.(非常感谢你过去两年来对我的友好帮助和耐心辅导,我的英语口语和写作水平都有了很大提高.我上初三年级后会努力学习英语和其它课程的,我一定会争取考上重点学校.)All the best and Good health.(祝您一切顺利,身体健康!)Yours sincerely,(你真诚的)xxx(你的名字)Dear LiLei,Thank you very much for helping me when I was hurt in the football game last Sunday.To show my thanks,I want to invite you to my house this Saturday.You can take the 22th bus at shool and get off at museum,then you will find my house.I hope you can accept my invitation.I am waiting for your reply.Yours,Jhon我写了三篇,不知怎么样?你需不需要。

    Thank-you note 英语作文

    Dear Ms.Brown,

    Im Susan.Im writing to express my sincerely thanks to you.Thank you for treating me as a close family in my summer holiday in Australia.It was an unforgettable memory Ive ever experienced.

    Now I have been back to China.Ill never forget you and Ill memorize the best time with you.I hope

    I could have a trip to Australia again and wish it could also make a deeply good impression on me.

    Best wishes!

    Yours sincerely




    Dear Life,

    Thanks for your variety and creativity that produces such a reality thing. I appreciate your deglighted part which makes me feel happy. However, I am much more grateful for those difficult part what teaches me lessons and helps me to grow up. Going through all those you give to me, I act much more like a mature adult and learn more things. Thanks again and Ill keep a heart of thanking for you!



    Date: 06 June 2009 (日期)

    Dear Teacher xxx, (亲爱的xxx老师)

    Thank you very much for your kind help and patient tutoring in the past two yers. My English level has been improved in both spoken and written. I will try hard to study English as well as other courses in grade 3 and will strive for passing the exam to be a student of a key school.


    All the best and Good health.(祝您一切顺利,身体健康!)

    Yours sincerely,(你真诚的)


    Dear LiLei,

    Thank you very much for helping me when I was hurt in the football game last Sunday.To show my thanks, I want to invite you to my house this Saturday.You can take the 22th bus at shool and get off at museum, then you will find my house. I hope you can accept my invitation. I am waiting for your reply.




    面试后thankyou note怎么写

    在写Thank-You Note时,请注意以下几个tips:

    1.以personal letter的形式,将Thank-You Note写成Thank-You Letter。

    篇幅过长(例如超过3页)固然不好,篇幅过短(不足1页)更是浪费时间。合适的篇幅应为2到3页左右。这里强调“篇幅适中的personal letter”,是因为,据一位hiring manager说,“As an interviewer myself, I share the experience with other interviewers. When I receive thank-you notes, I throw them away immediately. When I receive real letters, I cant help opening and reading them…”。Personal letter的形式可以起到沟通感情、建立rapport的作用。


    3.找出和未来老板的共同之处,更深一步地沟通感情、建立rapport。共同之处可以是shared vision、philosophy、work style等等。


    5.再次强力促销你的soft skills (communication skills, personal skills, self-promoting skills and personalities etc.)和hard skills(工作经验)。如同在面试中回答behavioral questions一样,在推销自己时要举例子,例子不能和所申请的职位不搭边。关于如何应对behavioral questions,可以参考贴子“如何在北美找工作面试”。


    Thank-You Letter的重中之重是要设法与未来老板沟通感情、建立rapport,这样就能使其在作hiring 决定时向你倾斜。对自我感觉在面试中发挥不太理想的人来说,就更应该写好这个Thank-You Letter。

    再次说明,Thank-You Letter没有固定写法,要具体问题具体分析,要充分发挥你的写作才能。要逻辑严谨、用词得当、结构清晰,不要有语法和拼写错误。

    初次拜访客户后,如何写一封简要的thank you note

    dear sir,thank you very much for giving me the chance to visit your company. The formal and mordenlized manangement style of your company impressed me a lot. I firmly believe that with the cooperation of our two company, we will soon improve the companys efficiency together. sincerely,your name。

    来帮忙写个thank you note

    Date: 06 June 2009 (日期)

    Dear Teacher xxx, (亲爱的xxx老师)

    Thank you very much for your kind help and patient tutoring in the past two yers. My English level has been improved in both spoken and written. I will try hard to study English as well as other courses in grade 3 and will strive for passing the exam to be a student of a key school.


    All the best and Good health.(祝您一切顺利,身体健康!)

    Yours sincerely,(你真诚的)



