
We would recommend you for the Singapore Ministry of Education Tuition Grant Deed (TGD) uder the terms and confitions listed in Attachment 3.(意思是学校推荐你去TGD学院,相关条款参考3号附件) However , you are required to complete Attachment 1a , pay for and attend English classes in year 1(你要填写表格1A,并且付费). The course fre for this NAFA(学校名)-administered English course is $642......
In order to confirm your acceptance of our offer ,please read through and sign on all relevant sections in the Acceptance Form (please complete Attachment 1) and make a non-refundable deposit of $**** ti retain your TGD place(完成你的如读手续,你需要在接收表的相关地方签名,看附表1,同时需要缴纳XX美元,这些缴费是不可退的). Please return the abovementioned attachment to the Marketing& Admissions Department (Level 2) and make the necessary payment at the finance Department(Level 1)at NANA Campus 1,80 Bencoolen Street **** For internationl telegraphic transfers(如果是国际汇款的话,就把上面的附件交到他们的MAD部门,地址也已经写了), please refer to Attachment 2,We will consider you have withdrawn form the programme if we do not receive the necessary forms and deposit within 15 working days form the above date. (如果在15天内不及时递交表格以及交钱,你的资格将被取消)
As a foreign applicant , you must apply for a valid Student's [Pass with the Immigtation and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) in order to study in nafa as a full-time student.(作为全日制外国学生,你必须到ICA申请有效的学生卡)please note taht the ICA student's Pass application has to be done online(这个申请必须网上完成). NAFA will issue the CIA SOLAR + Number and the ICA application procedure between 20 ...........after you make payment for the non-refundable deposit of $.... (当你缴纳费用后,NAFA会将证件以及号码给你)If you or your appointed agent does not apply the Student's Pass online by 20 may 2009, we will assume that you have withdraw from the course because ICA usualy needs about 2 months to process an appication (ICA需要两周时间去完成你的申请,如果你或者你指定的代理人没能在09年5月20日前完成网上申请,你的资格将会被取消)
After you have obtained your ICA Student's Pass, please make payment on the remaining course free and administrative frees(less the $.... non-refundable deposit 0 and all other ecessary frees at our finace Department by 13 July 2009.(当你正是入学后,你必须于09年6月13日完成其他费用的支付)WIth the ICA Student's Pass and receipt of the payment of frees,you may attend the Freshmen's Orientation Programme form 14 to 15 July 2009 and choose the modules you intend to take in Semester 1 of year 1 The Orientation schedule will we sent to your home by the end of june 2009(凭ICA学生证以及缴费的收据, 你就可以于6月底报到,参加课程了)